

I fell in love with semiconductors, because it was the ability to build something really small and really complicated and I could do it myself. And it was during this time that I realized that I didn't need to be the smartest person in the classroom, but if I really applied myself to solve really practical problems, I could make a difference.


along with the other tourists, we wondered through the meticulously groomed moss gardern, and I noticed the lone garderner.
now, remember the moss gardern, this is the silver temple. The moss gardern is gigantic, and it has the collection, the largerst collection of just about apparently every species of moss in the world, and it's just exquisitely maintained.
I noticed the lone garderner squatting, carefully picking at the moss with a bamboo tweezer, and putting it in the bamboo basket, and you have to.
it's a bamboo tweezer, you know, and it's just this one gardener, and the basket looked empty.
well, for a moment there, I thought he was picking imaginary moss into a pile of imaginary dead moss, and so I wolked up to him, and I said what are you doing?
and in his emglish, he said, i'm picking dead moss, i'm taking care of my gardern
and i said, but your gardern is so big. and he respond, I have cared for my garden for 25 years, I have plenty of time.
well, that was one of the most profound learnings in my life. and it really taught me something.
this gardener has dedicated himself to his craft and doing his life's work. and when you do that, you have plenty of time.


of all of the things that I value most about my abilities, intelligence is not top of that list. my ability to endure pain and suffering, my ability to work on something for a very, very long period of time, my ability to handle setbacks and see the opportunity just around the corner, I consider to be my superpowers.



Bjarne Stroustrup

be ready for the opportunity. I mean a broad-based educaiton of broad-based skill set, which is what you build up when you educate, you're patiently building a portfolio of skills. means that you can take advantage of an opportunity when it comes along. We can recognize it sometimes, we have lots of opportunities but alot of them we either can't take advantage of or we don't notice. It was my fairly broad education, I've done Standard computer science and compilers, I've done multiple languages, I think I knew two dozen at the time, and I have done machine architecture, I've done operating systems, and that skill set turned out to be useful.

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C++ 创始人说他最初想学历史,但可能对于职业不太好,所以只将其作为兴趣,转而选择数学专业,结果他选择了一个名为 "mathematics with computer science" 他以为是 a branch of applied math,学了之后他才发现专业学错了。

one that I wasn't as good as math as I thought I was, which happens to most math students