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Mac tips

good software

system efficiency tool

  • Alfread
    Alfred is an award-winning app for macOS which boosts your efficiency with hotkeys, keywords, text expansion and more. Search your Mac and the web, and be more productive with custom actions to control your Mac.
  • Homebrew
    The Missing Package Manager for macOS (or Linux)
  • cheatsheet
    CheatSheet is a free utility app that lets you see keyboard shortcuts with a press of a button. (CheatSheet has been discontinued because it no longer works with macOS 14 Sonoma. KeyCue is still available.)
  • keyClu
    Simple and handy overview of applications shortcuts. Easy to use, just press ⌘ twice and hold to see the list.
  • maccy
    Maccy is a lightweight clipboard manager for macOS.
  • customShortcuts
    Customize Mac Menu Keyboard Shortcuts
  • rectangle
    Move and resize windows in macOS using keyboard shortcuts or snap areas
  • webCatalog
    Transform websites into desktop apps with WebCatalog Desktop, and access a wealth of exclusive apps for Mac, Windows, Linux. Use spaces to organize apps, switch between multiple accounts with ease, and boost your productivity like never before.
    I can add X, spotify, chatgpt etc to local and corordinate with alfread to swith those app local
  • Karabiner-Elements
    A powerful and stable keyboard customizer for macOS.
  • qwerty learner 一个练习盲打和记忆单词的好工具

system experience enhancement tools

  • ClashX
    A rule based proxy For Mac base on Clash.
  • ClashX-Pro.
    proxy-providers and rule-providers
  • Adguard
    Surf the Web ad-free and safely. Shield up!
    in settings open 助手 for safari and chrome.
  • Bartender
    Bartender is an award-winning app for macOS that superpowers your menu bar, giving you total control over your menu bar items, what's displayed, and when, with menu bar items only showing when you need them. Bartender improves your workflow with quick reveal, search, custom hotkeys and triggers, and lots more.
  • BetterTouchTool
    BetterTouchTool is a great, feature packed app that allows you to customize various input devices on your Mac.
  • AppCleaner
    AppCleaner is a small application which allows you to thoroughly uninstall unwanted apps.

software reference website


  • cheatsheet command 2s view the shortcuts of application's menu bar
  • shift + command + . 打开隐藏文件夹
  • 开机键 + command + R 从内建 macOS 恢复系统启动
  • 开机键 + option 启动进入“启动管理器”,您可以从中选取其他可用的启动磁盘或宗卷
  • mac 的 启动组合键
  • option +delete delete a word
  • command + delete delete a line
  • enter rename the file or folder
  • fn switch input method


change user home folder name ~

use time machine backup system and replace SSD


  • telegram data and storage > use proxy > socks5 host: port: 7890 (which is the port for clashX)


when counter with country and region are different from your information
use proxy in the login interface go settings
use proxy socks5 host: port: 7890

  • clashX allow LAN, to let other devices to go though the GFW without download clash and purchase proxy service, and you can turn off the DHCP
    1. let your Computer and devices connected to the same LAN
    2. turn on the allow lan button of clashX
    3. open the network settings and remember the ip address
    4. open ipad network settings -> proxy configuration -> mannual select
    5. fill in the ip address and port is 7890 (clashX port)


  • webCatalog
    Transform websites into desktop apps with WebCatalog, and access a wealth of exclusive apps for Mac,
    then you can pack the chatgpt website in local and revoke chatgpt with Alfred
  • SMS activate
    register a chapgpt account then you can use the free chatgpt version.
  • proxy group add - DOMAIN-SUFFIX,,动画疯 or - DOMAIN-SUFFIX,,电报吹水 in the configuration file, the ip address will be changed to taiwan to use ChatGpt, and ban auto update in 配置/托管配置

picture bed

upload image you can

  1. use PicGo extension for vscode use option+command+u to upload the image
    1. select extension->installed->PicGo->settings: picgo> pic bed> current: smms
    2. picgo> pic bed> smms> tokens: add your token
  2. use github for your picture bed (not recommend )

auto fill passphase for ssh

ssh-add then fill in the passphase
ssh-agent to auto fill passphase
in macOS add the following commands in ~/.zshrc

ssh-add --apple-use-keychain YOUR-KEY
you can search the documentation in the official website using-ssh-agent-forwarding

set off ipv6 Wi-Fi

sudo networksetup -listallnetworkservices
sudo networksetup -setv6off Wi-Fi
then the wifi ip will changed from ipv6 to ipv4


  • iterm2 Droid Sans Mono Slashed for Powerline
  • terminal SM Mono Regular
  • mkdocs Roboto Slab


  • in settings keyboard -> keyboard when stoke fn key, change input method.
  • in settings keyboard -> modifier keys(修饰键) -> caps lock : escape.
  • in karabiner-elements
    • find all devices set caps lock: escape and escape: caps lock.
    • Apple internal keyboard set caps lock : escape and escape : caps lock.
    • bluetooth usb host controller caps lock : escape and escape: caps lock.

github 免密 push

  • gh brew install gh
  • gh auth login 按照提示采用 ssh

store web resources

  • 视频下载:yt-dlp
  • youtube-dl -a videos.txt
  • 扒课程页面所有资源: wget -mkEpnp --no-check-certificate 链接

mac reference website

clashX-pro rule-set proxy-set

由于最开始买的一家机场跑路,让我不得不在 github 上接触到了 clashX-pro, 对clashX pro 的 proxy-providersrule-providers 这两样功能产生了强烈兴趣,但同时也遇到了不少问题。

  • unmarshal errors 可能是由于机场提供的链接并非是clash订阅链接,需要进行订阅转换
    常见错误 20240228204957
  • 除了 proxy-providersprovider 可以使用 filter: 字段外,proxy-groups 中也可以在使用 use 字段后使用 filter 字段,例如
        type: http
        url: url2
        interval: 86400
        path: ./proxyset/provider2.yaml
        filter: '^(?!.*12).*'  # golang 负向前瞻(negative lookahead)排除那些倍率为12 的很坑的节点
          enable: true
          interval: 600
      - name: 美国
        type: url-test
        interval: 500
          - provider1
        filter: '美国' # golang regrex 匹配外部代理集 provider1 中那些节点名称中包含美国的节点
  • 还有其他很多小问题和功能可以探索,就不一一列举了

edit shortcuts

  • option + delete delete an entire word
  • opiton + arrow key jumps over the whole word
  • shift + arrow key highlight the previous character
  • option + shift + arrow key highlight the whole words or sentences(selected)
  • command + <- -> beginning of the line, end of the line
  • command + delete delete the whole line
  • control + command + space open system character panel
  • control + command + d open system dictionary
  • command + option + escape force quit application