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Bugs && Questiions



In vscode settings.json add "vim.mouseSelectionGoesIntoVisualMode": false, to use mouse selection, however, it can't work. Just like vim issues 1871 and vim issues 2410, it drives me crazy, because it is a big difference between there is a mouse selecting and there isn't a mouse selection. The problem exists for nearly 2 months and it lead to me giving up using vscodevim at the beginning. However, after battle with this problem for nearly a half day I find it conflict with another software Youdao dictionary. just forbid get word from the screen function. All right for vscodevim.

vscode 终端 path 环境变量的问题

在我下载好 homebrew 和 pyenv 后发现系统自带的 输出的 $PATH 与 vscode 终端中的 path 不一致,导致 vim 不能使用 opt/homebrew/bin/vim 中的vim, 以至于版本不一致导致的错误。解决方式,重新设置 vscode 中终端的环境变量与系统保持一致,进入 settings.json 文件,添加

    "terminal.integrated.inheritEnv": false,

vscode 编写C++ intelliSense 报错

  • 注意添加编写 c_cpp_properties.json 文件
  • 注意 includePath 添加的路径


After changing user folder pyenv fault

reinstall python with the pyenv

  • pyenv uninstall 3.11.3 you will find the ~/.pyenv/versions remove 3.11.3
  • then reinstall pyenv install 3.11.3
  • use which python and where python to test if pyenv work.

rectangle pro

unknown for conflict with rectangle, when double click a window, the window will jump to next monitor.

question with github

  • the push record of green block was disappear when push to the remote repository

when the local git (the email address used for the commits ) is not associated with your account. the green block won't appear on the graph .

Qt Creator

getline(cin, s) don't wait user's input