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operator overloading

当运算符 overload as member funcitons 时, 左侧的操作数应是调用对象;当overload as non-member funcitons 时,运算符左侧的操作数对应于运算符函数的第一个参数,运算符表达式右侧的操作数对应于运算符函数的第二个参数。
友元函数是在类声明中声明的,但它不是成员函数,因此不能使用成员运算符来调用。 20240708161630 how does C++ know how to apply operators to user-defined classes?
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const object can only call const functions
return type with const -> can't be assigned(changed) as lvalue
for a const variable you have to do them(declare, initialize) simutaneously 截屏2024-07-09 17.59.22 20240709182028 20240709182851 20240709183147

canonical forms

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POLA(principle of least astonishment

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